Nothing much happened today. I slept at roughly 10am, dreamt that I flew off a building and upon impact, woke up at around 1.45pm. The trauma kept me awake till it was 3.30pm when I managed to hurl myself off another building again, except that I fell all the way till it was 8.30pm this time. And this is what improper sleep does to you. It messes up your head.
But it is going to end soon! Today is the day when I finally kiss midnight shifts goodbye. No more staying up, no more finding things to do, no more eating the same crap over and over again, but hopefully I'll find some way to continue blogging at home. I certainly like what I've managed so far.

Like I mentioned yesterday, you don't mess with someone who loves her secondary school very much ( if you wish to stay clear of trouble. Being someone who finds sadistic joy being in trouble, I did and thus have to change my beloved email address. And lo and behold, my 2nd email address!
Don't ask me why there's this xx[insert word]xx thingy. I've got no freaking idea why I put it there. Apparently I thought it was cool and I suppose it signalled the start of my obsession with long email addresses. Nevertheless, this email address has a history too, albeit not as scandalous as "".

I was pretty crazy about two things during my secondary 1 & 2 days. One of them is NCC, which I suppose is the highlight of my secondary school life. I always felt that the lanyard (red and white) looks pretty cool on the No. 4 uniform and it didn't help that only staff sergeants can wear them for it made me wanted to attain it more.

Anyway with that, I was so enthusiastic about NCC that the word "cadet" refused to leave my thoughts when I brainstormed for a new email address.
Something had to go with cadet and I had trouble thinking of one. It couldn't be xxjunrencadetxx because it's WTF. And you know when puberty starts, suddenly all the girls are beautiful and you start viewing them in a totally different light. It was also this period when my Pikachu went to hell along with Blastoise, Charizard, Mewtwo, Articuno and Butterfree. But before I discarded all my Pokeballs in the bin, I went to visit Nurse Joy a couple of times. Somehow, she became pretty out of the sudden.

Puppy love was the norm then. But xxlovecadetxx, xxromanticadetxx and xxcupidangelcadetxx doesn't sound right either does it? I can't have an email address that has pervert written all over it. The XXX thing doesnt help too.
Other than NCC, the other thing I was crazy about was Renewal, a now defunct MMORPG. Till now, I've never managed to find another game that could rival the experiences and the friendships I made in the game. There were mainly three job classes for this game; Warrior, Magician and Craftsman. No prizes for guessing which job class I chose. Heh, I was the top craftsman in Singapore okay. Top in making armoury, weapons, mining, farming and making bread.

As you can see, "craft" is a five letter word that starts with C and so does "cadet" (Duh.) And this can only mean one thing. You have to put them together! And viola, the lovechild spawned is none other than (this paragraph is top notched lame, i know)
As cool as it sounded, it didn't sound very nice short-formed. (I used "craftcadet" as my nickname in Renewal) You see, me and my Renewal guild mates used to meet up quite frequently last time for outings and stuff like that. And although it's quite stupid, we don't call each other by our real names. In fact, we call each other by our In-Game-Names. So some of the more memorable ones are FrostBlade, Mystique, l33tmynah and 5erene. There was this guy named FLPJ too. I know it sounds stupid but hey it stands for Fun, Laughter, Peace and Joy.

With mine being CraftCadet with a rather lengthy 3 syllabes to it, the shortform is naturally just CC. But the way these guild members of mine like to pronounce it to di siao me, it could only be sissy, sissy and sissy.

And I hated that.
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