Saturday, December 04, 2004

*when a door closes, a new one opens*

Boo! It's over! It's over! I've passed out of my Senior Specialist's Course! I've managed to achieve what i set out to achieve when i was Secondary one. All the hardwork i put in paid off, by the means of my Staff Sergeant rank and a lang yard ( red white string). My role as cadet ends here. And with that, i've got myself another role to play.

with greater power comes greater responsibilities(ahh.. spidey man), now i guess it's time to be some good role model and pass down my knowledge to the juniors. (i can only say i'll try). so yup.. with confidence.

I had a struggle 2 days back. MY confidence level was really low. Thankfully, i got inspired in ways i didnt know i would. Haha, there was this particular instance, i looked down at my boots a few minutes before my turn to deliver my lesson, then i realised how come it was so well polished. Yeah, it was my dad who polished for me.. ( i noe how to do it myself! =x juz tt.. i was in a rush) . And my clothes etc. So yup, i'm gonna do well for him. And indeed! I managed to pull it off pretty well. of cause there are several other factors that inspired me..

Ahh.. i'm a happy man. My worries are all gone. Now it's time to get my private life back on track. Perhaps i should just try. Or should i not? So should i or should i not?

Oh cupid~! It's time to be cruel. Time to fire your love arrow through some hearts!

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