During the estimated 3 year gap in which I did not manage to publish a single post in this blog, I've had quite a few part time jobs in various places. Though none of the experiences stood out particularly in terms of excitement, one did in terms of the amount of time I spent working. And it's none other than being a taxi operator in a rather small-but-getting-bigger taxi company, Transcab.

If I were to tell people that I'm actually the 3rd most senior staff in the entire call centre, I think most people will be pretty surprised. Well, it is true though. I've been here for slightly more than 2 years and I've worked with plenty of people. But none of them lasted as long as me. I'm not praising myself for being committed and loyal to the company though come to think of it, I actually am. Truth is, my manager did not have much luck in hiring the right people + working here sucks = me being 3rd most senior staff at the tender age of 20.
Let's just look at some reasons why they left intentionally/unintentionally:
- One retired citing exhaustion and became a property agent.
- One got sacked because he was reading newspaper (Though the truth has always been because he diao the lady boss when she walked in. Quite poor thing really, this guy didn't know she was the lady boss.)
- One resigned because her lover made a din at the company's entrance. (This woman is actually married with grandkids and possibly older than my dad)
So why am I still here despite the above colourful reasons why people left? The pay isn't high, it's just $6 per year for weekdays and $7 for weekends. I can't even read newspaper without getting sacked. I can no longer surf the Internet because the management freaking disabled everything. And I have to stare at the computer even if there are no calls!
But people adapt. I may curse and swear when it gets tough, but I do feel that I adapt pretty well to situations, no matter how dire it may seem. One thing that helped is the fact that I'm lazy. So instead of looking for other jobs, I'll just take the shit and get my $6 pay. Also, it helps that my manager is a very nice person and till now she hasn't sacked me despite me being late almost all the time. Seriously, I can't remember the last time I was punctual.
Man, it's quite an uphill struggle to blog sometimes. My stomach is growling, my PSP is whining, my slam dunk is waiting and this entry is actually being done while I'm working. This entry will be continued... soon I hope.
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