The previous entry reads Friday, September 29, 2006. And the current date reads Thursday, 21 May, 2009
It is with a tinge of regret that I failed to continue blogging. I've always felt that blogging helps me to retain my memories, for I believe that they will disappear through the passage of time. It's amazing how a short little caption on a small little photo can evoke such intense feelings in me. So much so that I've returned to this poor little neglected blog of mine.
Yep, I was looking through some of the photos, some that I could not help but ended up looking through. But photos of her will remain as photos, for now that is.
It has been close to 4 years since my last update. A lot had happened. Good things, bad things, memorable events and many things that i wish I could forget. I shall now go through my memory bank.
Ranked in no particular order:

I'm single, again.
Yup, my almost 3 year relationship with a very special girl whom will always have a place in my heart ended. Though it was considered amicable, it was a very tough episode of my life as well. Thankfully, I had the OGL people for support.
We always made sure that we were never angry at each other before either one of us went to sleep. We called each other every night unless one of us went overseas. We traveled together from a Haro bicycle to a Spark 135 motorcycle. Of course, we had our fair share of petty disagreements and arguments. We were happy together, or so I thought.
I never wanted it to end. I never felt it would end. I always thought she'll be the one I'll bring to Malaysia for my relatives (mother's side) to see. I could even imagine their reaction. "Wah, zhe me mei ah", with their cantonese-accented chinese. I thought she'll be my significant other forever. And I visualized her as my wife perfectly.
But it was not meant to be. We did not live as individuals long enough to fully understand the gravity of the word "commitment". To let a 3 year relationship go wasn't easy. But moving on, we did. And I sincerely hope for her well-being and happiness for the future.

I lost close to $600 on soccer betting.
One of the hugest mistakes ever in my life. Though I'm still pretty much a gambling addict, I made a vow to myself that I will never gamble with money that I do not have.
I actually borrowed money from my aunt, sister, and even my ex-girlfriend to pay my debts. And during this period I had my motorbike instalment to pay as well. I've never felt as broke before and it was truly a low point of my life
I got into trouble with the law.
Thankfully there wasn't any criminal record. I added this in so that I will remember it for life. In fact, I think I probably will consider it as the stupidest thing I have ever done in my life. Okay maybe one of them.

I got my motorbike.I'm surprised that I haven't took a photo of my bike at all! As much as I would like to not think about it, the truth is I've always felt that my bike didn't look cool, or rather did not make me look cool. Furthermore, I've attached a very unflattering box to it.
But its true, I would rather have a box with my raincoat in it then getting drenched in the rain. Gentle drops of rain at walking pace can turn into shards of glass at 100km/hr. It's that painful.
I actually begun this entry quite a while ago but never bothered to finish it. Though a lot more things happened, I should just leave it as it is right now.
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