Friday, January 14, 2005

*shattered belief*

Flame me! Yup, i know i've been updating freaking irregularly. I guess its because I love to procrastinate, in other words, postpone my update. Yea, i'm a last minute kind of guy, and i certainly ain't proud of it. Can't help it though. I think that explains why im such a loser in life or a notorious student who doesnt hand up homework. It's all because i procastinate.

Enough about all the procrastination thing. Well, i suppose quite alot of things happened this week. Just had this C.I.P thingy for today and yesterday. Had to knock on people's home and ask for old newspaper. By doing all this, we get to help those drug addicts start afresh. Meaningful eh?

By doing such cip work willingly, (note: willingly), im sure you'll feel a glow in ur heart when all comes to an end. And the benefits for doing such work doesnt stop there, our class got more united too as well.

For the very first time, i see my class behaving LIKE a class. As in, no more cliques, its just one big gang of classmates. Helping each other out, in hope of completing everything faster. And we did, naturally. Class spirit was in us. 4R5 baby!

Alwights.. when everything was over, i decided to kick some soccer ball back in school. Afterall, i've been playing basketball recently, and getting bored of it, soccer still my very first love. And i played and played...

It sure feels weird when you see your ex really close with another guy. Doubly worse if he is your friend. Yup, i had to go through that today. Well, my greatest wish after a break up.. is to never see her with any other guy. I know that's selfish but hey, seeing ur ex moving on wib another guy feels real awful.

Well.. i guess i just gotta get my perspective right. I've taken a break from the couple scene and back into single scene. The guy my ex ish wib now, ish just taking over my place, my role. And yea, i reckon he'll do a much better job than me.

I'm a lousy boyfriend i guess. That explains why I have 2 ex instead of none. Really, I will probably fail anger management course with flying colors, I'm a emotional person, really emotional, and i'm super sensitive, always thinking way too much. Possesive too perhaps. And i suck at surprising people. Seems to fail all the time whenever i try. All rights, i'm full of flaws.

And so i retreat to my "pig dog friends", all singles but looking for girl friend. But for me, the whole relationship thing.. is way too much for me. Close friends will do for me. Be it guys or gals. Being with a group of friends that are singles is good, for you can hunt girls together =x Not exactly, but ogling perhaps. Typical guys we are.

Okay, i spoke alot of nonsense. Time to maple. Lvl 44 baby!

Look up, stand tall. Keep going straight. Let nothing obstruct you.

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