Tuesday, January 04, 2005

*happy birthday to me!*

It's been a great day today. Unforgettable and simply awesome. I was pleasantly surprised when some of my friends actually wished my happy birthday, wen i didnt expected them to.

And presents! I actually thought when you're a guy, and pretty old(sixteen), presents don't come your way anymore. It's more of a trashing actually. Whoa, the opposite actually happened. I only ate one punch, and thats about it. And received two pressys =) thanks peeps.

And 1000 thanks to all my pals. thanks for the cake man, tis is one of my bestest best bdae i ever had. the other one i can remember is the one when i was much younger, i celebrated it over at mcdonald. yeh noe, some mcdonald birthday party. unlimited nuggets and all.

All in all, it's indeed a happy birthday to me. and i'm glad to be sixteen. so next tym, i shall bring my IC along to the movies, and off to NC-16 we go.

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