Weehaaaaaaaaaa! Been a great day/night. Enjoyed myself throughly. Of coz, wouldnt have felt so without sam around =x (and she didnt wear the ring!! ahhhhhhhhh!!!) We wore white too, though the stadium was kinda filled up with red people.
Sho yeap, met up with her at TM to do some grocery shopping, in case we get hungry during the ndp preview. We kinda expected that we'll be hungry during the show. Especially me =x. Sho yeap, went down to ntuc and bought ourselves some chocolate and sandwiches.
Shortly after, reached the destination. My first reaction was "whoa!". din really expect so many people around, and we were actually running a little late, ahh... singaporeans eh? Shared the first time queuing up just to climb up an overhead bridge with sam btw =PpP (oh yeah, was so afraid to lose her along the way there, that i made darn sure that she's beside me all the time =x sigh, im possesive =P did the normal stuff, held her hand etc, hope you get what i mean =x)
Yeap the closer we were to the stadium, the greater the human tide got. (and the more possesive i gort =x and paranoid too, was afraid she'll faint coz of the massive crowd. =P) Then she gave up her dear bag for security checks. One thing i noted ish that, no one can touch her bag, not even me. hahaha. (annnd hey! let me carry the bag for u next time ! )
Took the goody bag, it was great man. And i was pretty surprised she never drank isport before. and kept asking me how does it taste like. Cutie pie eh =x kay anyways, the goody bag's was indeed goody. Had loads of stuff in it, mostly drinks though. annnd some sort of handfone a.k.a torch light. pretty unique. and she thought its real. hahas.
Got to our seats, had a pretty good view of the parade. Moi ate the food up almost immediately. (heeey don sit up sho straight can? make me feel sho short only =x) Felt so singaporean today, switched my converse cap for the singapore-coloured cap that came along wib the goody bag. and wave the flag retardedly. but its because of the spirit within the stadium that made me hyper.
Then took a little picture. Here's the soldiers.

The rest of the show was superb. And the farni part were the replacements for the President etc. Wonder why ngee ann din take part in the parade. (it'll be nice if i could dance on the stage with her =x if don mind tt is)
Moving on towards the end of the show, the fireworks!! same, first time catching fireworks with a gal. here goes:

It's really great don you think? sharing this particular moment in time with someone you truly enjoy being with. sharing the joy of the nation together with her. sharing my "first times" with the same gal today. And her name ish Samantha. I repeat Samantha. =)
(dear, it's really an awesome day today. Hope u enjoyed urself today as well. i'm not sure if the future will allow us to share such a joyous moment again, but whatever happens, always remember this particular moment alwights? of cus, the 100th day one as well. =x Coz it'll remain in my heart forever. Lurve yeh ^.^)
and may the ring bind us together... itsumo.

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