Sunday, July 02, 2006

a revisit

Hello blog. It's been ages since i last posted. I'm sorry i've neglected you. And i'm sorry for only blogging whenever i'm not happy. But i could use some space to vent out my feelings. Type it all out. And get on with life.

After so long.. I realised I am still me. Yeah, the one who has this tendency to turn simple thoughts into extremely complex ones. In a negative way that is. And its not uplifting at all. In fact. i'm very badly affected indeed. And it has a major role to play in the break up of my previous 2 relationships.

1st was crap. I don't want to be reminded by it. But it was the 2nd that i kinda regretted. All was seemingly well. Until this bad habit of mine destroyed everything. And now, its threatening me to spill everything out.

Spill what out? Those complex thoughts that i have. Ridiculous thoughts. And i know once i say them out, things will be different. And it will definitely lead to the same outcome. A break up.

I don't know what to do. Let's just see how long i can take it.


I watched Superman today with my pals today. Great show. But it's a pretty predictable storyline. Good guys will always truimph over the bad asses. X men was better though in my opinion.

For those who watched, remember the guy named Richard? Yeah that guy who's vying with Superman for Lois Lane affection. I guess in the end he won. Make no mistake, both of them love the girl pretty deeply.

How the hell did he win? He can't fly, he doesn't have super strength, he doesn't have much abilities to save her. I kinda feel like I'm him. I don't feel as though im the best guy around. Or maybe i'm just not confident. There are other guys out there who are much better..

Ah. Rooney got sent off. Oh England, you're in deep shit.

1 comment:

karen said...

Are you still the same now?