It's really ironic really. When I was still schooling over at Ngee Ann, i've always been looking forward to the holidays. Holidays = more time with frens = more fun = an opportunity for me to charge up my batteries for school when it reopens. And now, boredom is consuming me.
Well..the holiday that i'm having currently is just simply way too long and the fact i won't be going back Ngee Ann anymore kinda bites. I don't think I'm ready for Poly life anytime soon. I just don't feel old enough. But isn't this all part of growing up?
I remembered one lesson on life my OBS(outward bound school)instructor taught me. Well she said on the last day of our obs camp, "In life, sometimes you get to meet new people and form new relationships, but it is also inevitable that you'll end up having to say goodbye to each other and go on your separate ways"
I believe she meant going on your separate ways on good terms. And not due to some quarrels or something. For example, my primary school friends. I used to have 2 close buddies to go out with me all the time. But now, they themselves made new friends and so do I. Eventually, we don't hung out that often anymore. However, i've always made it a point that we still hang out together once in a while.
That's the reason why I'm fearing how Poly life will turn out. Of course, I'm sure i'll make new friends but the thought of my current group of friends going on their separate ways isn't something i'm going to relish either. That's the reason why most people are resistant to change. Nobody sane would like to risk coming out of their comfort zone do they? But it's all part and parcel of life.
Enough crapping about of life. I've got more delightful things to share.
Well, there's a huge change in my blog as well. Yeah, a very obvious one fact. I've changed my blog's skin. Now i think this is less feminine and much more nicer. This thank you has been long overdue. So yeah thank you very much ker hui. =D
Even my handphone wasn't spared. I even have a new skin for it. Haha. Again, courtesy of ker hui. It's a gift from her, which i'm in love with of course. Can even glow in the dark!

So yup. Life's been real good for me lately. I'm starting work on Monday though. I hope things don't go downhill from there. =/
Life is never a bed of roses. But you've made one for me.
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