Man, i'm having a dilemna right now. So what is it that's bothering me? That is none other than money, the root source of evil.
It's virtually impossible to find someone who hate having more money in their pockets. Except for those monks, i'm sure most people would even love to die rich. Seriously yea, i've got to admit, there's so many things i would love to have, but i just don't have enough money to buy them all. =/ Poly school term is coming soon, i need update my wardrobe man. It's getting trashy.
And now there's a job placed right in front of me. But i'm actually reluctant to take it. I wish when i wake up tomorrow, i'll have the answer in my head. To take the job or not.
Watched Final Destination 3 today. Or rather yesterday. Man, all i can say it has a stupid storyline, you're just simply gonna watch people die gruesomely. Maybe i'm really psychotic, but it's really hilarious to see the way they die. Especially this guy who kept deluding himself that death will never strike him. Well, it didnt strike him. It squashed him instead via the means of a tower collapsing on him. And when i say squashed, you really get to see him squashed. Hahahaha.
Other than that, i had a great day going out with her. She got herself a job(again!!!!), but well i can't be selfish can i? It's good that she can earn even more money to pamper herself and look even more beautiful. This is called a long term goal. =x Or investment. (im kidding btw =D). Seriously.. saying goodbye to her is really hard for I don't get to see her very often. May both of us get into the same class in poly!
Well. Didn't really expect i'll say so much. Oh by the way, here's some mission for those who still actually read my blog. Please leave a message in my tagboard. Wondering who you guys are.

Fancy some cash? Get me his head and $1000 is yours!
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