Wednesday, February 16, 2005

*A silent repent*

Five stars and still counting,
only after a thousand can the path reappear,
the notion of home, keeps him going,
yet the anguish, cost him a tear.

Thirteen stars served as a reminder,
a wicked mirror, a ruthless him
a battered ego, a surrender
crestfallen, he bowed down to jealousy

Now twenty eight, he tried to conceal,
his second nature, his second form
A shirk of terror, fulfilled his fear
despite what, he refused to conform

A hundred soon, nine such number to go
swept by darkness, he ain't gonna leave
till the sinister in him, starts to grow
into purest of pure, clarity white

And he's better off left in the darkness.


Ah what the heck. Just some thoughts of mine. Never ever let jealousy take control of you. Don't hide it, don't conceal it. Face it and eliminate it. I'm still learning how to do so.

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