Tuesday, September 08, 2009

The Time Traveler's Wife

Ridiculous! Absolutely ridiculous! (unintentional spoilers alert)

1) That most reviews of the movie were negative
2) Only a selected few cinemas in Singapore are showing this movie
3) And yet lame movies such as G Force and Where Got Ghost? are being shown by every single cinema

I know I've sinned by mutilating my sister's guinea pig while it was alive (now dead unfortunately), but for Walt Disney to produce a film about guinea pigs saving the world is way overboard. Oh come on, why guinea pigs?

Don't get me wrong. It's not like I have an extreme aversion towards guinea pigs and if they can pull off a love scene as well as Eric Bana and Rachel McAdams could, I wouldn't mind really. But the reality is plain for us to see, it's impossible.

Frankly speaking, I was a little disheartened when I read all those negative reviews about the movie. It would be a pity really, if the film does not properly capture the beauty of the novel. Having read the book roughly a month ago, I adored it and had great expectations for the live action adaptation.

It didn't disappoint. Screw those rotten reviews, though I have to agree with them that Eric Bana is naked a lot. A little too often for my liking. As a heterosexual male, seeing too much male butts (technically it's the same butt but still..) leaves me a little traumatised.

Why can't they show more of Rachel McAdams naked instead? Oh right, she can't freaking time travel like Eric Bana does. Screw the author. Why can't she write The Time Traveler's Husband instead? I'm dead certain that I'll love the book/movie more.

I won't exaggerate by saying that this movie is better than Titanic but it's still a pretty good tearjerker. Saw plenty of girls with red eyes exiting the cinema. Wanted to laugh at them for being such cry babies, but if I were to do that, I figured I'll have to disappear Eric Bana-style with the huge horde of offended cry babies breathing down my neck.

Which I can't. So yeah.

Anyway, go watch it if you haven't, I strongly recommend it. It may be about time travel and we all know how time travel can get a little messy sometimes, but overall, the movie's still pretty easy to comprehend. But if you don't like the movie, don't look for me.

Look for althalus instead.

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